

Asiah N, Cempaka L, David W. 2018. Panduan Praktis Pendugaan Umur Simpan Produk Pangan. Penerbitan Universitas Bakrie

David W, Djamaris ARA. 2018. Metode Statistik Untuk Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan. Penerbitan Universitas Bakrie.

Alias  NAB., Omosebi BO.,  David W., Huda N. 2017 Improving the Physicochemical Properties of Commercial Bovine Gelatin using SuccinylationAsia Pacific Journal of Agri. Food and Energy. 5 (1), 2-6

David, W and Darwin, C. 2017. Dietary pattern on elderly patient with hypertension : a qualitative analysis.Asia Pacific Journal of Agri. Food and Energy. 5 (1), 7-9 

David, W, and  Kofahl, D (Eds). 2017.  Food Culture of Southeast Asia: Perspective of Social Science and Food Science. Kassel University Press.

David, W., Widianingsih NN., Ardiansyah. 2017. Cooking behaviour of different ethnic groups residing in and around lowland rainforests of Sumatra, Indonesia. International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology. 13 (2), 162-174

David, W and Ardiansyah. 2017. Perceptions of young consumers toward organic food in Indonesia . International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology. (In press)

Rahmann, G., Reza Ardakani, M., Bàrberi, P,.... David W.... et al.. 2016.Organic Agriculture 3.0 is innovation with research. Org. Agr. (2016). doi:10.1007/s13165-016-0171-5

David, W. 2016. Sistem pangan organik sebagai alternatif penjaminan mutu pangan didalam Pangan Indonesia yang diimpikan (editor Umar Santoso et al). Perhimpunan Ahli Teknologi Pangan Indonesia, p 276- 278

David, W and Ardiansyah. 2016. Organic agriculture in Indonesia: challenges and opportunity. Organic Agriculture. pp 1-10.

David, W., Widianingsih, N.N., Ardiansyah., Ploeger, A. 2016. Water usage pattern on different group residing in Vicinity Harapan Rainforest. Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procidia. 9 (309-316)

David, W., Widianingsih, N.N., Ardiansyah., Ploeger, A. 2015. Reliance of Suku Anak Dalam to Harapan Rainforest, Indonesia: foodstuff collection preferenceInternational Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology.11 (1): 80-91

Fatin, NS., Huda, N., David, W. 2015. Physicochemical Properties of Japanese Scad (Decapterus Maruadsi) Surimi Prepared using the Acid and Alkaline Solubilization MethodsInternational Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research. 04/2015; 6(4):141-147

David, W and Darwin, C. 2014Perception of young people toward their traditional foodAsia Pacific Journal of Agri. Food and Energy. 09/2014; 2(2): 32-35.

Nazir, N., Asben, A., Anggraini, T., Ismed; David, W., Chatib, OC., Juanssilfero, AB. 2014. Panduan Penulisan Karya Ilmiah. Agrotechpress. Padang. ISBN 978-602-96301-1-4.
David, W and Ploeger, A. 2014Indigenous Knowledge (IK) of water resources management in West Sumatera, Indonesia. Future of Food: Journal on Food, Agriculture & Society. Vol. 2 (1) ; 52-60.

Saragih,B., Pasiakan, M., Saraheni and David, W. 2014. Effect of herbal drink plants Tiwai (Eleutherine Americana Merr) on lipid profile of hypercholesterolemia patients. International Food Research Journal. Vol 21 Issue 3: 1163-1167.

Kasim, A and David, W. 2013. Characteristic of Pangium Edule Reinw as food preservative from differentgeographical sites. Asia Pacific Journal of Agri. Food and Energy. 01/2013; 1(1): 6-9. 

David, W., Kasim, A and Ploeger, A. 2013. Biodiversity and Nutrition Availability in a Matriarchal System in WestSumatra. Pak Journal of Nutrition. 01/2013; 12(3):297-301. 
Tallei, T ., David, W., and Basith., A. 2012. Indigenous Knowledge of Minangkabau Communityin the Conservation of Local Plant and Genetic Diversity. Pasific Journal. 11/2012; 3(7). 


Kasim, A. and David, W. 2013. Sensory Test of Smoke Tilapia (Oreochormis niloticus) with Variation of Distillation Temperature and Concentration. Seminar Nasional PATPI 2013 Jember; 08/2013. ISBN 978-602-9030-49-5 (Indonesian)

David, W. and Kasim, A. 2012. Kualitas Pangan Organik: Tinjauan Analisis Biokristalisasi. Proceeding of Food and Renewable Energy for Better Life Seminar, Padang, 01/2012; 1-6. ISBN 978-979-18379-4-1 (Indonesian)

Kasim, A. and David, W. 2012. Pangium Edule Reinw as Traditional Foodstuff for Organic Food Preservative. 2nd International Conference on Biodiversity Proceeding. Society for Indonesian Biodiversity. Lombok, 11/2012. ISSN 2252-617x

Kasim, A ., David, W., Wiyuda, OS., Rawitra, F. 2012. Characteristic of Pangium Edule Reinw Oils as Biodiesel Materials. Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia, Oleokimia dan Petrolium Proceeding. Pekanbaru, 7/2012. ISSN 1907-0500 (Indonesian)

David, W. 2011. Impact of socio-ecologyInteraction on Local Food Security and Food Culture: West Sumatra. Proceeding of 2nd Annual Indonesia Scholar Conference, Taichung, 03/2011. ISSN 2086-5953. 

Arsanti, I and David, W. 2008. Sustainability of Vegetable Farming System in Upland Areas of Indonesia. The 13th International  Indonesian Student's Scientific Meeting (ISSM), Delft, 05/2008 ISSN 0855 – 8692

Magazine/Poster/Oral Presentation/Online Article:

David, W. 2016. Inovasi dan riset dalam perkembangan pertanian organik. Organic Edisi 40 (30-33) Aliansi Organik Indonesia

David,W and Ardiansyah. 2016. P3FNI Wadah bagi Penggiat Pangan Fungsional dan Nutrasetikal di Indonesia. Food Reveiw Indonesia Vol XI No1/ Januari 2016, 12-13

Ramadhan, K., Astuti., RM., Cempaka., L, David., W. 2014. Consumer Acceptability of Cooked Rice-analogues prepared with different cooking recipesInternational conference Food for a Quality of Life: October 15-16. Jakarta-Indonesia.

David, W., Ardiansyah, Widianingsih., N.N, Ploeger, A. 2014. Food consumption pattern of Suku Anak Dalam (SAD): A case Study. International conference Food for a Quality of Life: October 15-16. Jakarta-Indonesia.

David, W. 2014. Potensi asap cair sebagai pengawet makanan. Galeri Inovasi dan Teknologi. (Indonesian)

David, W. 2013. Design and development of Pyrolysis system for the processing of Liquid Smoke in rural small mediumenterprise (SME). Summer School Universitaet Hohenheim. 3-15 November 2013. Stutgart, Germany.

David, W., Kurnia, R., Kasim., A., Ardiansyah., Astuti R, M. 2013. Preservation study on tofu using liquid smoke. 8th SE Asia Soy Food Seminar and Trade Show, Nusa Dua Bali. 05/2013

David, W., Widianingsih, N.N., Kasim, and A., Ploeger, A. 2012. Role of Indigenous Knowledge in Traditional Farming System on Natural Resources Management. 2nd International Conference on Biodiversity Proceeding. Society for Indonesian Biodiversity. Lombok 6-8 November 2012.

David, W. and Ploeger, A. 2011. Role of Matrilineal System, Gender, Education and Traditional Farming Systems and Food Culture. 17th IFOAM Organic World Congress 2011, Gyeonggi Paldang (Republic of South Korea), 26 September- 5 October 2011. 

David, W. 2011. Applied of solar technology on salted driedfish in West Sumatera. Applied Solar Technology in Developing Country, May 30th – June 20th. 2011 Witzenhausen, Germany.  

David, W. 2010. The Truth Behind Our "Healthy" Food. The Indonesian Catholic Student Family in Germany. 27-30 December 2010 Helmerhausen- Hessen, Germany.

David, W. 2009. Food Culture and Food Taboo. Student Conference Global Thinking - Local Responsibility. 15 Oct 2009. Witzenhausen Germany.

David, W., Loho, J and Ploeger, A . 2009. Indonesian Food Security Assessments. Tropentag, Hamburg, 6-8 October 2009.

David, W. 2008. Pertanian Organik dalam PerdaganganBerkeadilan. 20 Mai 2008 AIPSE  (Indonesian)


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