Rice versus Wheat: Individualism

A week ago I coincidentally read an article in Science entitled "Large-Scale Psychological difference within China explained by Rice Versus Wheat Agriculture". This research was conducted by T. Talhelm, X. Zhang, S.Oishi, C. Shimin, D. Duan, X. Lan and S. Kitayama. The research was done in China with 1162 respondent participated. 
In a short result shows that participant from rice provinces are more holistic -thinking, inter independent, and loyal/nepotism than participant from wheat province. In my opinion, rice cultivation needs collective work to watering the land compare to wheat cultivation. Rice cultivation need more labor than wheat cultivation. Even for harvesting, rice need more labor compare to wheat cultivation. 
Of course we cannot compare East and West (individualism and collectivism) like Rice and Wheat Cultivation to explain why the people cultivate rice more inter-independent, holistic thinking and loyal.  Many factor still can be  consideration like politic, religion technology and etc. But at least, based on study above, farming system and agriculture cultivation brought a society to formed their behavior and culture. 


T. Talhelm, X. Zhang, S.Oishi, C. Shimin, D. Duan, X. Lan and S. Kitayama. 2014. Large-Scale Psychological difference within China explained by Rice Versus Wheat Agriculture. Science 344, 603-608

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